Here in mangochi kwa Makawa the roads are very bad so we need help, we once talked to our councillor but no help.
Kuno ku Masasa sewage ya prison ikuthikira mu msinje umo tuchapiramo na kumwa
area 36 nseu wochoka pa mbukwa kupita pa tank akonze. wakumbika kwambiri.
kuno kwathu ku Chiradzulu kwa pelembe dera lonse kuchoka mbali ya kwa mpama kulibe chipatala tikadwala timayenda kukafika ku chipatala chachikulu
A vehicle carrying results from two constituencies in Dedza has been involved in an accident
At Matengele school polling centre in Chiradzulu they were given three gas lamps but only two are working, vote counting has therefore been delayed
At Matengele school polling centre in Chiradzulu they were given three gas lamps but only two are working, vote counting has therefore been delayed
A DPP Agent Bright Kapata has been arrested for being found with dangeorous weapons at Mzimba South District Tally Centre
Salima South, Kambalame ward, Thugulu centre there is a problem with lighting, actually right now they have gone out to borrow lighting burners from neighboring houses
Titi polling center, which has 498 registered voters, has just one security officer, a police officer. Titi is in Hanga Ward, Chitipa North Constituency. Presiding Officer for Titi- Mr Lenalick C Kayange, says the matter was brought before the attention of authorities, but they have not been helped
Some people in Rumphi have been taken to Chitimba police for soliciting and issuing out handouts to prospective voters.
There has been a shortage of Ballot Papers at Chimutu polling centre. Like right now we are just waiting
Only 67 of 275 people have voted at Senjere Polling Station in Neno