Lilongwe City South East we have delayed tallying because their is a case of not balancing votes casted against registered voters at the centre and those transferred for Chilinde 1 ward in particular at Mtengo wa kachere centre
Kuno ku Lilongwe ma null and void akuchuluka pa Chatuwa centre in Chimutu ward. Omwe amadinda amati akadinda ndiye popinda ballot paper ink ija imadindanso pena. Ndikuona ngati nkhani ndi yoti ogwira ntchito sanawauze bwino zochita
In Maria ward at Kalonga center under Lilongwe City Center constituency two people found with fake reflectors and they have been taken to police . This has resulted in vote counting being affected
There is no electricity at Chimutu Tally Center, the main tally center for Lilongwe City Centre Constituency. MEC gas lights not working
There is no lighting at the Tally Centre in Mapanga ward at Thuwila PrimarySchool in Blantyre City East. All lamps that MEC provided are not working
There are disagreements at Chigwanja School in Chigwanja ward on where ballot papers collected from Nagwanja Primary School in Naotcha have to be counted.
Chisankho chaima kaye pa Phaka school, Chongoni ward in Dedza Central East zikuoneka ngati chifukwa panali kusamvana panabwera anthu ena ake atatu amati ndi ma roving monitors achipani
An incident at Mphande the biggest polling station in Mwanza district, 2 envelopes which are supposed to be used to seal presidential results are missing, according to the presiding officer all the envelopes were there during material verification yesterday.
There is need for quick intervention here at Kamwanya Primary School, Nsitu ward in Mchinji South Constituency. 14 MEC officers who are presiding over the voting process at the center were informed to wait for the CRO to approve their transfers for them to vote at the station including the police officers. However the CRO is yet to do this so the Presiding Officer has told them that they cant vote
At Chirimba school in Michuru ward, students from the Malawi Polytechnic who registered elsewhere have been denied the right to vote despite the CRO getting clearance from MEC. Party monitors are the ones refusing them to vote
Three women have been arrested in Kasungu at Mwimba primary school for introducing themselves as monitors for an independent candidate Shupekire Chavundikira and voting.
An incident has happened at Nyungwe centre in Karonga as agents of a certain shadow Member of Parliament were seen giving money to voters. As I report they are in Police custody
There is need for urgent intervention here at Katawa centre in Mzuzu as students from Mzuzu Technical college have not been allowed to vote despite presenting a letter of auothorisation from MEC
Shadow wa kuno ku Rumphi Chidumba akupereka chakudya kwa aza chitetezo pa center ya Lukali
Is it acceptable to ferry voters on a voting day when one is a candidate? We have evidence here in Lilongwe Msozi North
At Mapesi School in Chikowa Ward Chiradzulu west some of the ballot boxes have no serial numbers.