In Mchinji, Msitu ward at Walilanji center, 4 voters have been returned because their names are not in the voters register though they registered there
Some ballot boxes seals have no serial numbers for example at Nyamadzere primary school in Nsanje. Can't this create room for exchanging the boxes
I would like to report that at Misesa Primary School in Blantyre City South East, the Electoral Commision Staff in stream 2 is not signing the Presidential ballot at the back. She doesn't want to listen
At Chisitu polling center here in Mulanje 2,886 ballot papers have been received but the expected number as confirmed by all monitors is 3,872. There is fear this will be a threat to deny others to vote.
Ma Shadow Khansala a zipani zina ziwiri kuno ku Kawale 2 ward pa Kaufulu center akuyima panjira kupereka ndalama kwa anthu omwe akupita kovota
There are a few MEC staff assisting voters in polling streams. 3 staff against 11 streams here at Lunzu Primary School. Is this in order
Here in Chigoneka ward, at a center that is at Bambino school, the name of the shadow councilor for UTM is missing on the ballot paper
In Ntcheu West, Gomani Chikuse ward at Ngongolo school, the voters roll has only names starting with a letter between J and Z and those from A to J are missing. Those that bring voter certificates are being assisted but those that lost theirs are having challenges
Voting siyinayambe kuno ku civic ma officer sanafike pa center ya civic mu city center
Kuno Mulodza School Area 23 voting has not yet started akupangabe check voting materials
Nampati Polling Station kuno Thyolo anthu ayamba 6:06am kuvota timayembekeza kuti atsegula ikamati 6:00am
A car belonging to Shadow MP for PP Rev Ndomondo has been smashed by unknown people at Chikweo Trading Center last night
In Nsanje Lalanje a SHADOW akumasiya matumba a mpunga ndi chimanga komanso zinthu zina monga bail ya zovala ndi ma T-shirt komanso nsalu Ku ma centre ena ovotera monga Khope ndi Magoti. Ku Magoti a achipani china atadziwa anapitako ndipo anamenyana dzulo. Pomwe kukhope ine ndinapitako just like Ku Magoti komwe ndapeza kuti ndi zoona. Please help. Katundu wa campaign Ali mu Malo ovotera.
We try to build a better Malawi by choosing proper leaders and it is very disheartening to note tht only journalists wl b allowed to vote at any polling station and not the versity students who r away from there homes where they registered. Plz if possible fight for us. Tivotele kuma polling center akufupi nd school, lets vote for our better Malawi. Polytechnic
A vehicle branded with party colours, Toyota NOAH reg no BU7810 is still campaigning. Giving out phones and party clothes to people.
Nate nipange report kuno ku Rumphi wanthu a chipani china akuzula mbendera za shadow khansala wathu Msiska