The bridge at Lingadzi near sanctuary has been washed away by flood water
There is a big pipe leakage along chendawaka road as we go to area 25 ,water is flowing in the road it needs urgent attention please
Kuno ku Kasungu boma, ngozi zanjinga zikuchuluka. China mwazifukwa ndi kusasamala pa kayendedwe ka pansewu. Chonde a polisi tithandizeni.
At kasungu hospital there is poor drainage system in the wards especially in bathroom and toilets are leaking
From Kasungu . we are in problems with water. Its now a week .pliz help
Kuno kukasungu boma T/A kaomba, anjinga za moto samayenda bwino komanso opanda zida zowaloreza kuyenda pa nsewu .. Chonde Apoli tithandizeni.
In Kasungu, there is this growth of unruly behaviour of minibus touts who sometimes damage properties of passengers in a quest to force them board the minibus they are touting on. Its high time police dealt with this unruly behaviour as it inconveniences the passengers.