There arelong queues at Misesa Centre in Blantyre. No social distancing. No COVID19 measures. No buckets for hand washing
There are long queues at Chitipa Community Hall. Voting is underway
The elderly are being assisted to vote at Malembo Polling Station in Lilongwe
Polling started late at Bwiba primary school in Karonga at 6.30am because DPP monitors were late
At Mbalachanda TDC, a DPP monitor has been arrested with six voter IDs. She is from Chindi Village. She is being held at Mbalachanda Police Station
Kuno ku Bwanje South pa Banda Court voting ikuyenda bwino. Anthu okalamba akupatsidwa mpata ovota patsogolo
Voting is taking less than 5 minutes at Khaya Primary School in Mulanje Central
Here at Kalonga school in Salima we have voted well by 06.10am
Chimutu primary school polling staff were late to open and doing things very slow yet long queues. MEC must engage their staff to do things fast
Pollinh has started well at Mvama Polling Centre in Area 49 Lilongwe
Ku Likoma pa centre ya Fisheries okalamba sakuthandizidwa bwino, akumawayendetsa malo okwera ama stepe
Ngalande za pa msika waukulu wa Kasungu ndi zosafukula zomwe zikuchititsa kuti madzi adzilowa mu msika chonde atithandize
Ndati ndipemphe nawo chithandizo choti khonsolo itibweresere bin yayikulu pa msika wa Apostolic. Malowa akubweresa chiophyezo cha matenda chifukwa anthu zinyalala akungotaya mosasamala
Kuno ku Nkhonde ward ku Balaka. Tinapempha MP athu kuti atikhonzere mlatho omwe unasuntha chifukwa cha mvula ya chaka chatha koma mpaka lero kuli zii
There is a concrete carvet on Chinunu Lupembe feeder road that was meant to be completed in 2017 and we learnt that the contractor was paid all the money hwoever until now it has not been completed and it is making the road impassable. This is in T/A Kyungu in the area of SGVH Kayuni
Ine Chair wa Sambagalu ward kuno ku Luchenza chitukuko chikuyenda bwino moti loweruka tatsegulira bridge motsogozedwa ndi khansala athu mai Nsewe