Some ballot boxes seals have no serial numbers for example at Nyamadzere primary school in Nsanje. Can't this create room for exchanging the boxes
Here in Chigoneka ward, at a center that is at Bambino school, the name of the shadow councilor for UTM is missing on the ballot paper
At Chisitu polling center here in Mulanje 2,886 ballot papers have been received but the expected number as confirmed by all monitors is 3,872. There is fear this will be a threat to deny others to vote.
In Ntcheu West, Gomani Chikuse ward at Ngongolo school, the voters roll has only names starting with a letter between J and Z and those from A to J are missing. Those that bring voter certificates are being assisted but those that lost theirs are having challenges
In Mchinji, Msitu ward at Walilanji center, 4 voters have been returned because their names are not in the voters register though they registered there
At Mapesi School in Chikowa Ward Chiradzulu west some of the ballot boxes have no serial numbers.
An incident at Mphande the biggest polling station in Mwanza district, 2 envelopes which are supposed to be used to seal presidential results are missing, according to the presiding officer all the envelopes were there during material verification yesterday.
Three women have been arrested in Kasungu at Mwimba primary school for introducing themselves as monitors for an independent candidate Shupekire Chavundikira and voting.
What has happened here is that the Presiding Officer at Chimutu TDC Tally center has been arrested for allegedly keeping unofficial results at his home
Mr. Fred Thomas a Constituency Returning Officer for Nsanje Central has been arrested for allegedly tampering with the election results sheet
Voting has been disrupted in Chikhwawa because of lack of registers. The MCP monitor wanyanyala so voting has resumed without MCP monitors at Mchacha Polling station. At Savala polling centre people are waiting for the registers.
Some people that registered in 2020 are flocking to polling stations in Dedza to vote and are being sent back. Reportedby NICE DCEO Patrick Siwinda Dedza