there is hit and run fatal road accident at karonga roundabout. it happened around 0800 hours. up to now police has not arrived at the scene.
This is to commend Luchenza Municipal council that just as they promised in their service charter, once a visitor arrives at the council, they are received within the stipulated 3 minutes of arrival. Bravo Luchenza Municipal Council.
Ku Masakapende kuli vuto la bridge yomwe inaphotchoka kale kale koma siyikukonzedwa
Ine Chair wa Sambagalu ward kuno ku Luchenza chitukuko chikuyenda bwino moti loweruka tatsegulira bridge motsogozedwa ndi khansala athu mai Nsewe
There is a concrete carvet on Chinunu Lupembe feeder road that was meant to be completed in 2017 and we learnt that the contractor was paid all the money hwoever until now it has not been completed and it is making the road impassable. This is in T/A Kyungu in the area of SGVH Kayuni
Kuno ku Nkhonde ward ku Balaka. Tinapempha MP athu kuti atikhonzere mlatho omwe unasuntha chifukwa cha mvula ya chaka chatha koma mpaka lero kuli zii